$10,000 Grants for Small Businesses and Social Enterprises

1 min read
16 Jul 2020

$10,000 Grants for Small Businesses and Social Enterprises  

The bushfires and impacts of COVID-19 have challenged many Australians this year. To help those who help their community, Sunsuper’s Dreams for a Better World program is once again giving Australian small businesses and social enterprises the chance to receive up to $10,000 in grants.

The grants are awarded to fund an innovative solution to a local issue, that will help make a lasting and positive change in their community. And to help think about the bigger picture, this year applicants are asked to consider how their project aligns to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. 

Hurry! Applications close Friday 31 July at 5pm (AEST). If you are a socially-conscious business owner or know someone who is, apply for a Sunsuper Dreams for a Better World business grant.  

*Image: Little Star Bee Sanctuary 2019 Dreams for a Better World Business Grant winner