A new kitchen for Deniliquin RSL Club

1 min read
1 Dec 2016

From winning a recent grant for Emergency Relief Funding, to joining The Grants Hub, Deniliquin RSL Club is just one success story of many at The Grants Hub.

The RSL Club in Deniliquin, a town north of Echuca, received a grant from the NSW Department of Justice for a kitchen expansion and upgrades.  John Jansen, the Chairman of the club, said the RSL Club required significant upgrades in order to provide the support to the community they wanted. 

Our former main kitchen, was approximately 30 years old and all the equipment in it had not been renewed or replaced since initial installation,” Mr Jansen said. 

With the allocation of the grant to us, we were able to purchase and install new equipment to increase our emergency relief capacity.

The Deniliquin RSL Club is one used in times of emergency, for accommodation, meals and acts as a place for the SES to organise in an emergency. This acts as a substantial benefit to the community.  Mr Jansen said they wouldn’t be as effective without the upgrades this grant provided.

Over the past few weeks we have had substantive flooding in Deniliquin and surrounding areas. Our Club has been utilised by SES volunteers who we have supplied meals to,” Mr Jansen said.

The Club joined The Grants Hub earlier this year and has submitted numerous applications through grant notifications and listings on the website.

I anticipate that in the future, there will be grants notified by the Grants Hub, which we can apply for and hopefully be successful,” Mr Jansen said.

These opportunities will, I am sure, improve and increase our business.

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