nib Community Grants - Now Open

1 min read
1 May 2017

The nib foundation supports community initiatives which will make a positive difference to the health and wellbeing of Australian communities, with a focus on the health of young people, and carers.

The Community Grant program seeks to provide one-off funding to new or existing projects to approach health and wellbeing problems in a new way or to tackle issues that are not currently satisfactorily addressed.

Grants from $5,000 to $50,000 are available.

Applications are invited from eligible organisations that are working actively with one of nib foundation’s identified focal areas:

1. Carers
nib foundation seeks to support health and wellbeing projects designed to improve the lives of the more than 2.8 million Australians who provide unpaid, informal care to a family member, friend or loved one. Projects could encourage carers to better look after own physical and mental health, or assist them to improve the care they provide, through improved education, peer support, connections, information or resources.

2. Young people
The Foundation is dedicated to improving the health and wellbeing of future generations of Australians by supporting innovative and age-appropriate projects and investing in emerging new approaches to issues facing young people. They believe that targeted initiatives at the right time can help vulnerable youth to overcome disadvantage and health challenges in order to reach their full potential. They define young people as under 25 years of age, and while they may support early childhood activities, the focus is generally on the 12-25 years age-group.

Preference is given to discrete projects that can be delivered in a community setting within the 12 month funding period and can demonstrate sustained benefits beyond the funding period.

Applications close 31 May 2017.

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