Grants Officer - Kids in Philanthropy

1 min read
17 May 2017

Kids in Philanthropy (KiP) would value the assistance and expertise of a volunteer grant writer to increase their submissions for funding.

Kids in Philanthropy is a not for profit organisation based in Melbourne. Their mission is to grow the culture of giving and change making in Australia. Through their programs, they aim to build social awareness, develop leadership skills and empathy, and provide the fundamentals of how to become a change maker. With the financial assistance gained through successful funding applications, KiP will continue to develop the future change makers of Australia.

The Grants Officer will be responsible for:

  • Identifying funding sources
  • Preparing submissions (including costing)
  • Following-up on submissions to determine their progress
  • Ensuring reporting requirements are met.

As a volunteer you would be a welcome addition to their small and dynamic team.

Time requirements: as required and attending committee meetings from time to time.

For further information about KiP, please visit their website.

Contact details for this role:
Sarah Wade
Phone: 0433 328699

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