Environment Grants

1 min read
5 Jun 2017

There are lots of environment grants available at the moment for organisations, schools and businesses across Australia. Here are a few of our favourites:

Climate Change & Environment Grants

Assists local community groups to implement actions, events and projects to improve the Darwin environment.

Waste Reduction Grant Program

Funds innovative, environmental projects in Hobart.

Eco Schools Grants

Funds NSW schools to assist with environmental learning opportunities for students, teachers and the school community. Eco Schools’ projects provide hands-on curriculum-based environmental education focussing on strong student participation.

Recycling Infrastructure Grants Program

Assists companies, local authorities and organisations both metropolitan and regional in South Australia, to install infrastructure and provide innovative approaches to increase the recovery of resources and reduce the amount of waste sent to landfill each year.

Coastal & Estuary Grants Program

Provides technical and financial support to local government, to assist in managing the coastal zone in NSW.

Community Action Grants

Funds activities that help conserve, restore, rehabilitate or enhance a local natural area or conserve biodiversity in Western Australia.

Community Zero Emissions Grants

Supports innovative projects across the energy, transport, buildings, land use and waste sectors that focus on improved sustainability and environmental outcomes, and engage the community.

Canon Oceania Grants Program - Inspiring Tomorrow

Supports schools and not-for-profit groups who are addressing both social and environmental issues in their community and inspiring change for future generations.

To search over 1,200 other grants Australia-wide, check out our Grants Directory.

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