Top Pick of Business & Entrepreneur Grants

1 min read
26 Jul 2017

Did you know that we have over 300 grants listed for businesses? Our Grants Directory is constantly updated with the latest grants, and we follow national trends for business and entrepreneur grants.

At the moment, key target areas for business grants include manufacturing, agriculture, job creation, STEM and startups. There is also a growing number of grants for social enterprises and entrepreneurship.

We often get asked if there are grants available to fund basic business startup costs, such as laptops, business insurance and existing wages. To save you a lot of time and hassle, the short answer is no. Generally, business grants require a co-contribution, and most funding bodies want to see that a business has been in operation for a few years before they will award a grant.

However, if you're looking to expand into a new area, move into export, operate in a geographic region that is experiencing job loss, have a tech startup, want to improve your environmental practice, need a new business plan or even want to travel overseas for business acceleration purposes, then it's definitely worth watching grants and putting an application together.

View the Business & Entrepreneur Grants Highlights


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