2019 Review: A Continual Up-Curve

2 min read
7 Feb 2020

We might be into the second month of 2020, but we've still got some celebrating from 2019 to do!

Everything is on the up at The Grants Hub, which means we're seeing growth across the board. It's exciting being a part of this continual up-curve.

While I love seeing growth within The Grants Hub and being able to share some of our 2019 highlights with you, what excites me the most is hearing how we've been helping people find and win grants. This is not just about the money; it's about seeing new projects get off the ground, new initiatives being launched, and existing programs being expanded.

So keep searching for grants, keep applying, and keep persisting with the incredible work you're doing. Australia is a better country because of you.

Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your journey.

Jessie Ballantyne - Founder & CEOJessie (1).png


