Grant Spotlight - 2024 Australia Post Community Grants
The Australia Post Community Grants Program is one of our members’ most popular grants. The $10,000 grant generates very high interest every year, and with good reason.
I’ve loved watching the Australia Post Community Grants Program grow over the past 10 years. To date, more than $5,000,000 has been granted to community groups across Australia, to help deliver 822 projects.
The 2024 round of the Australia Post Community Grant has just opened, with applications closing 1 July 2024. I had the chance to ask Alice Coombes, Community Programs Advisor and manager of the grant program, some questions about what Australia Post is looking for in grant applications this year.
The Australia Post Community Grant Program is focused on supporting mental health initiatives at the community level. What prompted Australia Post to pick this particular area of community need?
Australia Post is committed to making mental health and wellbeing a part of everyday conversations to build stronger, more connected communities. Our Post Offices and people are at the centre of more than 4,000 communities and we facilitate millions of connections each year. Besides our Community Grants program, Australia Post is proud to partner with Beyond Blue, mobilising our network to connect Australians with each other and to mental health information and services. During May 2024, the partnership delivered five million postcards to rural and regional Australia to help people connect and improve mental wellbeing.
What type of organsations can apply for the Australia Post Community Grant? Do they need to have DGR status (tax deductibility status)? Can social enterprises apply?
We do not require applicants to have DGR status - as long as you’re an incorporated not-for-profit organisation you can apply. Not-for-profit social enterprises are eligible if 100% of profits are directed back into the business to support the mission.
What types of projects are you looking to fund this year?
The 2024 Australia Post Community Grants program aims to support community-led, local projects that connect individuals and communities to improve mental health and wellbeing.
Projects could include peer support programs, art or surf therapy, culturally informed wellbeing workshops, Mental Health First Aid training, or monthly gatherings for socially isolated community members, to name a few. You can read about some previously funded projects here. Each year we also look for innovative new projects helping local communities!
What are your three top grant application tips for those wanting to apply for the Australia Post Community Grant?
My three top tips are:- Simple is best – consider whether your grant application answers the who, what, when, where, why and how questions. Use short, concise language that will be easily read by someone who is processing a large number of applications
- Your application should clearly outline the community need your project is addressing, why the approach is effective and where relevant, include evidence (such as statistics, surveys, or research)
- Ensure your budget contains enough detail and that income and expenses match. Last year we had many applications with confusing or unclear budgets that did not balance, which we were unable to progress to shortlisting.
If an organisation was unsuccessful in a previous round, are they able to apply again? If so, what would your advice be?
Organisations are absolutely welcome to apply again. My advice would be to review the 2024 Australia Post Community Grants Guidelines in detail to ensure that both your organisation and project are eligible, and that your application addresses the required criteria. We are specifically looking for projects where:
- the primary purpose of the project is to improve mental health and mental wellbeing outcomes of a community;
- the project will help people meaningfully connect in their local community; and
- the project is a locally led and locally delivered project that benefits a community.
Our Guidelines can be found at
Do you have any stories you can share from organisations you have previously funded? What difference did the grant make to them?
I always enjoy reading the acquittals as they come in, to hear stories about how Australia Post’s funded projects have benefited local communities. One recipient, Nintirri Centre, based in an isolated mining town in regional WA, used their grant funding to run the ‘Steel Cap Speak-up Project’, aimed at creating a place for men in the community to come together and support one another, build friendships and share knowledge. Nintirri successfully ran 10 workshops over 12 months, with 94% of participants reporting that they felt less isolated and more connected to community since attending the program, and 89% saying they felt some improvement in their mental health.
I also recently had the pleasure of visiting one of our 2023 recipients, Bonnie Doon Community Group, who used their grant to host a fortnightly intergenerational lunch for seniors, served by younger local volunteers. Participants spoke about how the lunches had benefited both the volunteers and the older attendees, some of whom may not have had a meal with another person between the lunches.
Learn more about 2023 recipient, Bonnie Doon Community Group here.
Any final messages or tips for our members?
If you have a great idea for a project that meets our eligibility criteria, please review our guidelines and apply at
Grant applications close 1 July 2024. Find out more and apply now!
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