Grant Alert - 18 New Funding Opportunities

1 min read
5 Dec 2017

Today I am excited to bring you 18 new opportunities that are either brand new grants or newly opened rounds. The diversity this week is incredible; we have new open grants for individuals, equality, arts, professional development, events, youth, and education, to name a few. As a bonus, we're giving you the full version of the Grant Alert this week so you can check out these great opportunities.
As we are approaching the end of 2017, I would just like to say how much I am enjoying unveiling these opportunities for you, and in particular, assisting some of you to forecast available 2018 funds to apply for via the Grants Research services we offer. The feedback we are receiving from individuals and organisations around Australia who have engaged us to undertake the Grants Research for them has been so positive. We are delighted that we have been able to subsequently position organisations with a clear twelve-month view of all of the available funding that directly aligns with their needs and funding ‘wish lists’.

Grants Researcher

View the full Grant Alert