We all know a dreamer. Someone who can't help but think of solutions to problems. Someone who is deep-down passionate about making a difference in the world. Someone who has ideas to change the world around them but is short of the funds to do it. This is your grant!
Sunsuper is looking for dreams from not-for-profits that improve the lives or living standards of other Australians. It may be a community development program to create more affordable housing, or help our ageing population or new-comers to Australia. Or your dream may help kids and families in need, or simply create a better environment for a more sustainable world.
You can apply for a $5,000 grant. Plus, if you get community support behind you, up to $50,000 could be yours to invest into your idea. How amazing is that?!
Applications for Round One close 13 April (and here's a little tip: they NEED more applications).
It's a very straight forward application process, so make the most of this incredible opportunity.
Find out all the details and apply.