Grants to Check Out in July

2 min read
9 Jul 2020

Congratulations on making it to a new financial year! Are you ready to get cracking with some new grant applications? Here are four fantastic grant programs closing in late July and August that are gaining our members’ interest at the moment. They are all national and span a diverse range of program areas. 

Future2 Grants

The closing date for applications is fast approaching for this Future2 Foundation grant. It’s for programs that address the needs of disadvantaged young Australians (aged between 12 and 25) through education, engagement, employment, wellbeing and independent living.

This is a national program and eligible projects can cover areas including:

  1. Education, including skills training and leadership development

  2. Engagement, including mentoring and juvenile justice programs

  3. Employment, including work experience and job readiness training

  4. Wellbeing, including remedial programs for drug and alcohol dependence

  5. Independent living and social inclusion.

Closes: 20 Jul 2020

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Tucker Foundation Grants

If you responded to our recent survey and asked funders not to forget smaller organisations (and the Arts), then this grant is likely one you should know about. Here’s what the Albert & Barbara Tucker Foundation say:   

“Much of our funding is allocated to small scale, grassroots groups that are well placed to make a real difference but have limited resources and often struggle to find funding. We prioritise groups who are entirely or predominantly run by volunteers.” 

This is open nationally and covers a great range of focus areas: 

  1. The support, promotion, development and advancement of public art galleries and museums

  2. The relief of poverty and the suffering of children

  3. The provision of or support for scholarships to disadvantaged children or young adults up to the age of twenty-five years (25) to enable them to pursue their education at primary, secondary or The protection of women from abuse, assisting women in these circumstances to further their education and providing support to women in these circumstances.

  4. The initiation and support of social change which goes towards increasing the equal treatment and social acceptance of all persons in the community

  5. The protection of wildlife and habitat, and to preserve natural reserves of forest, oceans and wilderness and for the rehabilitation of flora and fauna

  6. The prevention of cruelty to animals and the promotion of animal welfare.

As is the case for all grants, be sure to carefully read their guidelines. They give some great pointers on what they’re seeking. 

Closes: 14 Aug 2020

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Organisational Grants

This grant is provided by Connellan Airways Trust and is for organisations which support children and adults who live on stations or in small settlements in Outback Australia. It aims to improve social and economic outcomes in Outback Australia.

You’ll see on their website a note that they will be prioritising grants which support people through COVID-19. The next round for this grant closes in August. However, there is another round in November too. While the application form is reasonably easy, make sure that you’re eligible for funding before you start. There is a map on their page regarding eligibility and, of course, funding guidelines that you should look at. 

Closes 15 August 2020 and 15 November 2020

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Macpac Fund for Good

If you are part of a not-for-profit organisation working on environmental and social causes related to the outdoors, then you may be eligible for a Macpac Fund for Good grant. Your activities need to be based in New Zealand or Australia, or their territories, and fall into three areas:

  1. Adventure-Based Social Development

  2. Environmental Projects

  3. Ethical Manufacturing

You can receive Macpac gear or up to $10,000 in cash. Read more on their website. If you miss this round, there is another in October. 

Closes: 31 Jul 2020 and 31 Oct 2020

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