Grants to Check Out in November

3 min read
15 Nov 2019

Such a diverse mix of grants are capturing your attention this month!

Check out these four grants that are ‘making it big’ across The Grants Hub Community.

Jessie Ballantyne
Founder & CEO


Community Partnership Scheme

Management consulting firm, Nous, is seeking applications for consulting projects that build the capability of organisations to make evidence-based decisions to contribute to positive social, cultural, economic and/or environmental outcomes in Australia.

The Community Partnership Scheme operates through a partnership approach. Nous asks organisations to co-contribute financially, between 25% and 75% of the total market value of projects that are funded through the scheme. This approach helps establish a long-term commitment to the project and ensure outcomes are sustained beyond the project timeline.

Grants up to $50,000 are available, with applications closing 24 November 2019.

This is the number one grant at The Grants Hub this month, so make sure you take a look at this unique opportunity.

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Driving Social Inclusion through Sport and Physical Activity

There are some very popular Federal Government grants open at the moment, and this brand new program has taken second place at The Grants Hub, beating over 1,000 other grants currently open.

The Driving Social Inclusion through Sport and Physical Activity Grant aims to contribute to the building of resilient, cohesive and harmonious communities to ensure that individuals, families and communities have the opportunity to thrive and have the capacity to respond to emerging needs and challenges.

The grant opportunity will target the following community groups to engage in sport and physical activity projects:

  • Newly arrived migrants and refugees

  • Women

  • People with a physical or mental disability

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

The intended outcomes of the grant opportunity are to:

  • Increase the participation of vulnerable, disadvantaged individuals and families from targeted community groups in sport and physical activity

  • Increase community pride and connection within targeted community groups

  • Increase the range of flexible, community based, participation opportunities available.

Eligible activities include, but are not limited to:

  • Engaging with community organisations to deliver sport and physical activity projects

  • Coaching clinics to teach sports skills and techniques

  • Participation in local sports competitions

  • Instruction in exercise and physical activity classes delivered by qualified instructors

  • Research and data collection

  • Recruitment and engagement of translators required to deliver the activities.

Grants from $50,000 - $19 million are available, with applications closing 12 December 2019.

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Safer Communities Fund

The ever popular Safer Communities Fund from the Federal Government is open once again.

These grants are aimed at reducing crime, violence, anti-social behaviour and/or other security risks driven by racial and/or religious intolerance.

This round provides schools and pre-schools, places of religious worship, community organisations and local councils with grants for crime prevention initiatives.

Project activities can include:

1. Infrastructure activities, such as installing:

  • Fixed or mobile CCTV cameras

  • Security lighting

  • Fencing and gates

  • Bollards

  • External blast walls and windows

  • Security and alarm systems

  • Public address systems

  • Intercoms and swipe access.

2. Employing or hiring security guards, licensed by the relevant state or territory agency, for schools or preschools.

Grants from $10,000 - $1 million are available, with applications closing 10 December 2019.

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IMB Community Foundation Grants

The IMB Community Foundation supports social, cultural, environmental, heritage, educational, tourism and economic initiatives within communities, which will ultimately provide economic and social benefits.

The Foundation would love to hear from you if you are part of a community group or not-for-profit in Victoria, New South Wales or the ACT, that is:

  • Improving the lives of others

  • Helping those in danger

  • Making our communities more sustainable, more prosperous – better places to live

  • Giving independence to the vulnerable

  • Keeping our kids safe

  • Teaching us how to be better to one other

  • Building a brighter future.

Grants from $1,000 - $30,000 are available, with applications closing 28 February 2020.

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