Helping Charlestown Community Centre keep their grants searching efficient

1 min read
22 Mar 2018

I recently caught up with some of our members and had a chance to ask how The Grants Hub has helped their organisations.

Here's what Lynda Little, Manager at Charlestown Community Centre had to say.

What do you love about The Grants Hub?
The Grants Hub gives you a regular, easy to digest list of grants with a quick teaser of information. This makes it quick and efficient to keep your eye on what opportunities are coming up, without spending endless hours searching.

What would you say to someone considering joining The Grants Hub as a member?
Think about the cost to your organisation of employing you per hour. How many hours of your time are saved by having membership to The Grants Hub? How many hours of your pay would cover the membership fee? Do the math!

I love it - have loved it for years. Thanks!

Founder & Managing Director