Homelessness & Domestic Abuse Grants Now Available

1 min read
18 Apr 2018

Are you an Australian not-for-profit organisation assisting vulnerable communities members facing homelessness or domestic abuse? If yes, then we have the perfect grant opportunity for you this week.

Community Sector Banking, in conjunction with The Community Enterprise Foundation, will release their much-anticipated annual Social Investment Program funding round on 1 May 2018. Such was the demand last year from applications demonstrating the funding need for assistance in the domestic abuse and homelessness sectors, that in 2018, the theme will again be ‘Building resilience and capability in people experiencing homelessness or domestic abuse’. Programs and projects that focus on prevention and intervention are also eligible.

Strong applications will leverage other funding sources in combination with the application. Applications can be made for grants of either $25,000 or $50,000. Applications close 31 May 2018.

This important program not only strengthens communities, it also strengthens the not-for-profit organisations that many people rely on to get by.

Find out all the details and apply.