It's our 5th Birthday!

1 min read
18 Jun 2018

We've made it to 5! Such a huge milestone which we're incredibly proud of.

The first 5 years of business are pure hard work. Launching The Grants Hub and getting it through the first 5 years have taken more determination, drive and commitment than we ever imagined. We never anticipated having to work as many hours, at all times of day and night, than we have. We never thought our bank account would get as low as it has. We never thought we'd be managing The Grants Hub together, as well as a serious health issue in one of our kids. We never thought that this journey would be so exhausting.

Yet we never thought that there could be such great joy in helping someone find that perfect grant. We never thought we'd lie in bed at night, thinking about new integrations or developments we could roll out. We never thought we'd know as many members by name as we do, and that when we find out about a new grant we automatically think of members we need to tell. We never thought we'd win business awards or make it to the front page of Gippslandia!

The first 5 years of The Grants Hub have been one heck of a rollercoaster. Let's see what the next 5 years bring!

Jessie & Justin

P.S. We're offering 5 months for free this week when you join us on any annual plan. Come and experience The Grants Hub for yourself!