Blog — The Grants Hub

Member Survey Results — The Grants Hub

Written by Jessie Ballantyne | 26 Sep 2016

I'm very pleased to share our 2016 Member Survey results with you.

The Survey has confirmed that we're on the right track, and has given us valuable insight into new features and services our members would love to see.

The results are already having strong influence on our future development list, which will see lots of great new features added later in the year and into 2017.

We have already added Chat Support to our Grants Directory, and also a dedicated Grants Research & Communications team member to make sure that we're delivering the best grants directory in Australia.

Throughout the remainder of 2017 we will be expanding our communications area, including writing features on members and grant providers, sharing tips and tricks from those who have ‘been there, done that’, and helping celebrate the success of our members. We'll also be adding 'Youth & Children' to our category search, Training Videos, Help Sheets and a more extensive Resources section. Under consideration is phone support, webinars and application tracking.

It's been a fantastic year for The Grants Hub, which is set to continue into 2017 and beyond.

Jessie Ballantyne
Founder & Managing Director


How often do you use The Grants Hub?

How often do you use The Grants Hub?

This is great! We are firm believers that The Grants Hub is an essential tool for organisations and businesses, so it's great to have this confirmed by the frequency that our members use our Grants Directory.

Which categories, if any, would you like to see added to our Category Search?

This feedback has been so valuable. We'll be working on adding some of these categories in the near future. First on the list will be Youth & Children!

Which features would you like to see added to The Grants Hub?

Based on this feedback, we've now added chat support. Click the chat icon on any page in the Grants Directory.

This feedback has reiterated our desire to build a fully customisable Grant Notification system. It's currently the highest priority on our development list, so stay tuned for details. We can't wait to release it.

We'll also be rolling out Training Videos, Help Sheets and a more extensive Resources section in 2017.

Under consideration is phone support, webinars and application tracking.

How would you rate our customer service?

We love being available to our members, so don't forget you can contact us at any time and we'll be happy to help. There are real people behind The Grants Hub, we're not just an online service.

How likely are you to recommend The Grants Hub to a friend/colleague?

We're thrilled that so many of you recommend us to others. It's one of the most important ways that we judge if we're on the right track, so thank you!


I love the fact that you cater to Not for Profit organisations that have little funding and rely heavily on grants to survive. You provide us with a grant to get a cheaper rate for your membership. It is very much appreciated".
Have recommended you to others. Great service and could only be enhanced by a chat/phone link when needed".
Love your website, and find it a valuable resource".
Keep up the great work!"
Thank you, I am finding your emails very helpful. Some grants come up that would not be found otherwise".
You’ve been invaluable, especially when working with remote people. From Townsville, I can send grant details to the Gulf region station easily and succinctly, given that their email access is dodgy at the best of times. I thought you already did phone support! I’ve used you. Huge thank you".
Love it!"
I didn’t know about most of those features! Will use them from now on".
State based emails would be brilliant!"