Mental Health Grants

1 min read
29 Jan 2025

The need surrounding mental health in Australia is huge.

There is also enormous possibility and potential to make a difference, develop innovative concepts and programs, and keep rolling out more mental health supports across Australia.

At The Grants Hub, we are privileged to learn about so many ideas that people have to make a difference, whether it be on a local, regional or national level. Foundations and organisations continue to be established, and existing organisations grow. Mental health initiatives are gaining momentum; they are literally changing lives and helping turn people’s stories around.

When we use what we’ve got, whether it be talents and abilities, personal experience, trauma, a heart to make a difference, or the resources to back people, people are brought together and sparking small and big impact.

If you are working in any area of mental health, below are some mental health specific grants currently open that are worth checking out. Thank you to these funders: you are contributing to an area of vast need!

As with any funding program, we recommend that you:

  • Consider each opportunity carefully by reading the full grant guidelines

  • Check whether the grant meets your mission

  • Check that the funding provider’s values and target areas align with your organisation or business and project concept

  • Contact the funding provider to run your concept past them

  • Submit an application if they give you the green light.

While these grants specifically mention they will fund mental health initiatives, most wellbeing focused funding providers will consider funding mental health projects as well.

The content of these grants may be confronting for some, support is available via Lifeline: Call 13 11 14 anytime for confidential telephone crisis support.


Queensland Mental Health Commission Sponsorship

Offers sponsorship on a quarterly basis to support events that promote the achievement of better mental health outcomes for Queenslanders.

Applications close 28 Feb 2025. 

Save to Favourites/Calendar | Apply Now

Community Project Funding

Supports organisations making a positive difference towards women's mental health in Australia.

Applications close 5 March 2025.

Save to Favourites/Calendar | Apply Now

Supporting Stronger Communities Grant Program

Enables Neighbourhood and Community Houses and Centres to promote equality and inclusion their local communities.

Applications close 6 March 2025. 

Save to Favourites/Calendar | Apply Now