Are You Dreaming of a Better World?

1 min read
13 May 2020

Are you dreaming of a better world? 

The bushfires, ongoing drought and COVID-19 has challenged many Australians in unimaginable ways, but has also shown the resilience of local charities who continue to help thousands of Australians during this difficult time. 

Sunsuper is once again lending a helping hand to community groups through its Dreams for a Better World program and is looking to fund local initiatives that provide long-term benefits to Australian communities. And to help think about the bigger picture, this year applicants are asked to consider how their project aligns to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. 

So if you have a dream for your community, apply for a grant in any of the three categories:

  • Better Living

  • Brighter Futures

  • Active Community

Applications close Friday 26 June 2020 at 5 pm AEST.

Don’t miss your chance to apply for a share of $150,000 in grants from Sunsuper. Apply now

Tip: To increase your chances of receiving a grant,  you can apply to all categories that fit your dream, just explain how your plan aligns to the theme for each category. 

* Image credit - Earbus Foundation 2019 Dreams for a Better World winner