COVID-19 Survey Results: What Grant Seekers Need

2 min read
14 May 2020

We recently asked grants seekers to complete a short survey on how funders can best help them at this time. We were hearing from grant seekers on an adhoc basis about what they needed and funders were asking us how they could best help. We designed this survey to capture this information and offer valuable insights into organisations' needs.

The survey asked about grants seekers needs across three key areas:

  • Funding

  • Resource savings

  • Pro bono or voluntary support.

We also asked respondents: "Is there anything else you would like to share with funders at this time?" We received 98 responses. We grouped them in themes and endeavoured to give a snap-shot of them in our report. I encourage you to read the messages quoted.

Funding needs

You will see in both survey answers and messages for funders a resounding call for assistance with operational and salary costs. Additionally, grant seekers have detailed their need for flexibility in funding. While some respondents have shared that the impacts of COVID-19 heightened these needs, some of the comments we received referenced the need for, or benefits that would be gained from, these shifts in general. We will be interested to check on this area again next year to see if this remains a constant. It is certainly something grants seekers talk with us about often.

Verification of funding is important

Grant seekers identified verification of funding intentions as one of the most helpful ways grant providers can help organisations save resources at this time. We weren't surprised by this. The Grants Hub team made an unprecedented number of updates to our grants database during March and April 2020. Between 25 March and 20 April alone, over 90 of these updates were the result of COVID-19. It would be difficult for any organisation grappling with multiple challenges to stay on top of these changes.

Digital support is needed

Respondents to this survey also identified adjusting to working online and delivering programs through digital channels as an area they require urgent assistance. At a time when cash funding may be reduced for some funders, this could present an opportunity to give important support on a pro bono basis. Funding, however, is also clearly needed to help organisations make digital innovations. For many grant seekers, this investment would help now and into the future by enabling innovation and improving efficiencies – a great example of how funders can deliver impact by extending their support outside of project-based grants and into capacity building.

The Grants Hub team also asked respondents how we can help at this time. We are grateful for the valuable feedback and are working to deliver on the areas we were told would help.

I hope this survey report offers some useful insights. Thank you to everyone who contributed and from all at the Grants Hub team: we're here for you and will continue to do all we can to support grant seekers and funders at this time.

Jessie Ballantyne
Founder & CEO