New funding from National Disability Research Partnership!

1 min read
9 Jun 2021

New research funding is available with the National Disability Research Partnership (NDRP) 2021 Research Funding Round.

This funding is designed to support disability research. Research must be done by and with people with disability so areas of importance for people with disability can be addressed.

The purpose of the research funding round is two-fold and aims to build evidence for successful innovation in disability policy and practice, as well as test and refine NDRP processes, approach and ability to deliver on this vision. 

Despite advances in some areas of disability research and the increasing quality and quantity of data available, eight themes are raised as priorities for the NDRP Research Funding in terms of disability research agendas and strategies. As such, proposals with high-quality and collaborative research that address topics of importance and within one or more of these themes are encouraged. The eight themes include: 

  • Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people with disability

  • Women with disability

  • Children and young people with disability

  • People with disability in rural and remote areas 

  • People with disability from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds 

  • Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people with disability 

  • People with disability who require support to express their will and preference, and to implement their decisions 

  • People with disabilities who experience other intersectional disadvantages.

Project proposals will be assessed against the quality of the research proposal that meets more than one of the eight themes and that addresses the priorities of people with disability. This also includes research-led or conducted by and with people with disability, the knowledge that is accessible to the community, and the capacity to undertake research in an area of demonstrated importance to the disability community. 

Applications are open to any incorporated organisation within Australia. Projects can apply for up to $150,000 in funding and must be delivered within ten months. The NDRP 2021 Funding Round has a funding pool of $1 million available. 

Applications close on Friday, 2 July 2021 at 5:00 PM. Notification of award and commencement of contracting will occur on 24 July 2021.

Start disability research with the National Disability Research Partnership!

For more information, FAQs and to download an information pack visit the NDRP website. Alternatively, contact with any questions related to this call for proposals.