nib foundation launches Health Smart Grants!

2 min read
16 Jun 2021

Do you have a program that promotes smarter health choices?

nib foundation are searching for registered charities across Australia and New Zealand to apply for their Health Smart Grants. Charities who specialise in health promotion and primary prevention and have a track record of engaging and empowering people to be health smart in their everyday lives are encouraged to apply. 

This opportunity aims to support people to make good decisions that will positively impact their health and wellbeing. In Australia, almost half of Aussies have at least one chronic health condition and 20% have multiple chronic health conditions combined with other risk factors, like smoking, poor diet and lack of exercise. There’s good news though as these risk factors are modifiable.

The Health Smart Grants aim to empower and assist Aussies to make smarter health choices through greater access to health information, tools and resources. The initiative looks to:

  • Facilitate access to quality, reliable and targeted health information. 

  • Target risk or protective factors that relate to prevalent health issues. 

  • Are informed by evidence to achieve health-promoting behaviour change. 

  • Translate new evidence into practice in a way that is practical, scalable and sustainable. 

  • Operate within a strengths-based philosophy to empower and encourage good health. 

  • Improve the environment, culture, awareness or attitude surrounding a health risk. 

A funding pool of $320,000 will be distributed to six successful recipients who will each receive a total of $40,000 in grant funding. During the grant period, nib members and the wider public will cast a 'People's Vote' where two of our six grantees will receive an additional $40,000 in funding. In New Zealand, $120,000 will be distributed to three successful applicants, each receiving a $40,000 grant.

To be eligible, applicants must meet one or more of the initiatives and be a registered charity. Ideal partners will be able to effectively reach the target cohort with a strong online presence, be specialists or leaders in prevention and health promotion, actively measure outcomes, align with the foundation’s brand, and are excited to partner with nib to deliver joint storytelling.

If you want to make a smarter and healthier change in your community, now is the time!

Expressions of Interest will be accepted until Wednesday, 30 June 2021. 

Begin your application! Visit nib foundation’s website to learn more. Alternatively, view the Health Smart Grant page for more information and guidelines.