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2 min read
2 Dec 2021

How to use a grants calendar to find and win grants

A grants calendar is essential for anyone in Australia who wants to find and apply for relevant community grants, education grants, government grants, business grants, and/or any other type of grant.

This simple but powerful tool helps you keep track of grant deadlines, monitor your workflow, set priorities, and reflect on past applications. A grants calendar empowers you to use your resources effectively and efficiently and apply for only the right grants, on time, every time.

Whether you’ve been using a grants calendar for a while or just getting started, here are our tips on how to use a grants calendar to succeed in 2022.

Our grants calendar is easy to use and will really boost your productivity - so naturally we have this feature in mind as the template you should be using for your grants pipeline planning!

  • Your Saved Search and Tailored Grant Alerts will ensure you have immediate access to the latest relevant grant information

  • Find grants and add only grants you want on your calendar with one-click

  • We update your grant information and we add all future rounds to your calendar for you

  • You can choose to receive deadline notifications via email into your inbox one week before every closing date

  • Check your calendar regularly to plan your workflow and add custom notes - for example, use notes to jot down ideas, prioritise competing deadlines, estimate resources required, map collaborators, and any other business considerations that will ensure you put your best application forward by the grant deadline.

What grants should you add to your calendar?

  • Grants with future deadlines that align with your needs

  • Grants you were successful with previously and want to apply for again

  • Grants you were unsuccessful with previously and want to apply for again

  • Grants that are currently closed to applications but are likely to recur in the future (tip: grants that have had multiple rounds previously or that identify with ‘round 1’ are likely candidates for future rounds - including philanthropic grants, corporate foundation grants, federal and state government grants)

  • ‘Always open’ grants that you can apply to at any time.

Make your grants calendar a one-stop-shop by adding your own grants and other dates to your grants calendar - for example:

  • Grants that you’ve been invited to apply to by the funding provider

  • Other funding opportunities that you want to track in one place such as major donor prospects (trusts and foundations, individuals), corporate partnerships (corporate foundations), and/or targeted government grants and tenders

  • Grant reporting dates and acquittal information.

Use our grants calendar to plan ahead in 2022 and you’ll be guaranteed a successful year of grants! 

Purchase a Premium or Team plan membership to access all of the features mentioned above.

New to The Grants Hub? Sign-up today for a FREE 14-day trial.