Unrestricted Funding DOES Exist

2 min read
6 Dec 2021

Finding unrestricted funding and grants that will cover operating costs is a challenge for many grant seekers.

The Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal (FRRR) recently released the Heartbeat of Rural Australia report. The investigators set out to explore “how not-for-profits and community groups in remote, rural and regional Australia are faring, in the wake of nearly two years of constant disruptions”. Partners included The Xfactor Collective Foundation, Survey Matters, and Seer Data and analytics.

Among other findings, the study identifies that access to funding that supports operating expenses and expansion is a huge constraint for community groups:

  • “On average, running costs account for 58% of revenues received by community organisations.

  • More than half of respondents say they spend at least 75% of their income on operating expenses.

  • Yet funders often restrict ‘admin costs’ to just 10%.”

Source: https://frrr.org.au/heartbeat/

At The Grants Hub, we know that finding a grant that offers flexibility on how the money can be spent feels like finding a diamond in the rough, or winning the lottery.

However - there are opportunities out there if you know what to look for. 

As you search and set up your Tailored Grant Alerts, keep an eye out for grants that:

We hope (and expect) to see new grants in 2022 that enable organisations to continue and build their capacity and capability including through multi-year funding - fingers crossed!

Below are a few grants that might interest you right now:

Impact Investment Ready Growth Grant

Provides capacity building grants to mission-driven for-profit and not-for-profit organisations, allowing them to secure investment capital to scale their social impact.

Applications close 15 March 2022.

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COVID-19 Cross Border Sport Fund

Supports NSW based clubs and associations that are affiliated with a state level sporting organisation or association recognised in another State/Territory, that were not eligible to receive funding under the Grassroots Sport Fund.

Applications close 28 February 2022.

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Capacity-Building Grants

Provides assistance to organisations that help young people at risk to get them to the next stage or to position their organisation for future success.

Always open.

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