Save Your Search and Save Time!

1 min read
20 May 2020

We’re proud to share our latest search innovation: Saved Searches. It’s designed to help you stay on top of new grants and changes to grants that are most relevant to you.

Saved Search allows you to name and save your carefully selected and refined searches. This means each time you log in to The Grants Hub, you’ll have up-to-date results at your fingertips. 

Importantly, when results for any of your Saved Searches change, you can be alerted by email. If, for instance, a new grant is added to our database and appears in one of your Saved Searches, we’ll let you know. Likewise, if there is a deadline shift or an update from a funder, you’ll be alerted. 

You can select if and how often you want to be updated about changes and you can create as many Saved Searches as you like. Check out the video below to see how easy it is to set up your first Saved Search.

Thank you to those who let us know this function would be helpful.  We’ll continue innovating to make searching for grants easy.


It's easy to stay on top of new and changing grants. Simply log in now and:

  1. Conduct your search

  2. Click on ‘Save this Search’ directly under the search bar

  3. Name your search

If you're not a member of The Grants Hub, sign up now for a free 14-day trial.